In the world that we live, what could be a better gift than pure gold imbued with frequency words that will vibrate support and vital uplifting energies?
Have this intention imbued into a bead, bangle or ring below.

Gift - Intention Bead
size option 1-5 gram
size option 1-5 gram
Gift - Intention Bead

Gift - Magical - Ring
3 grams of 24 karat organic gold and is 2mm thick.
3 grams of 24 karat organic gold and is 2mm thick.
Gift - Magical - Ring

Gift - Effortless Balance - Ring
5 grams of 24 karat organic gold 2.5mm thick.
5 grams of 24 karat organic gold 2.5mm thick.
Gift - Effortless Balance

Gift - Circle of Light - Ring
10 grams of 24 karat organic gold 3.5mm thick
10 grams of 24 karat organic gold 3.5mm thick
Gift - Circle of Light - Ring

Gift - Wholeness - Ring
10 grams of 24 karat organic gold 8.5mm thick.
10 grams of 24 karat organic gold 8.5mm thick.
Gift - Wholeness - Ring

Gift - Radiance - Ring
15 grams of 24 karat organic gold 8mm thick.
15 grams of 24 karat organic gold 8mm thick.
Gift - Radiance - Ring

Gift - Sun Glow - Ring
15 grams of 24 karat organic gold 13mm thick.
15 grams of 24 karat organic gold 13mm thick.
Gift - Sun Glow - Ring

Gift - Luminous - Bangle
15g of gold 1.8-2mm thickness
15g of gold 1.8-2mm thickness
Gift - Luminous

Gift - Golden Light - Bangle
30g of gold 2.5-3mm thickness
30g of gold 2.5-3mm thickness
Gift - Golden Light - Bangle

Gift - Mantra Mala
0.1-1gram gold bead
0.1-1gram gold bead
Gift - Mantra Mala